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Adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change conference

Adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change conference10-05-2017 12:01
European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission of FAO
organizes International Symposium

3 – 6 September 2017, Stare Jabłonki, Poland

The conference focuses on identifying challenges for inland fisheries associated with climate change organized around the themes of river fisheries, lake fisheries, and aquaculture. We seek descriptions of current and expected impacts and potential solutions to the problems.

Abstracts and early registration due 30 June 2017.

For more information, see:
11-05-2017 03:00
riverpiotr wrote:
European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission of FAO
organizes International Symposium

3 – 6 September 2017, Stare Jabłonki, Poland

The conference focuses on identifying challenges for inland fisheries associated with climate change organized around the themes of river fisheries, lake fisheries, and aquaculture. We seek descriptions of current and expected impacts and potential solutions to the problems.

Abstracts and early registration due 30 June 2017.

For more information, see:

We have to get people to understand that climate change is not man-made and that it probably isn't even occurring as of yet.

The theory of CO2 is pure unadulterated fakery.

This doesn't mean that fisheries are changing as they always have. US east coast fisheries are almost totally different from what they used to be.

The only reason that the Tuna fisheries are still around is because of the rumors that Tunafish were radioactive due to the Japanese disaster. We even had the fake news outlets telling everyone that boats and debris from the disaster were landing on the Oregon coast and were radioactive enough to kill you.

In fact Tunafish always were slightly radioactive because they absorb it from the ocean around them. And the ground one mile from Takashima reactor is only 2 times normal background radiation and the debris can only be detected as somewhat contaminated by very sensitive Geiger Counters. You get more radiation standing out in the sunshine without sunblock on.

All nations have limited resources and it's important that Poland like others use their financial resources on subjects that are real and important.

This is not man-made. It cannot be controlled by man. It is in all probability temporary. But there COULD be a real problem - after all - the Sahara Desert was once a lush forest near the end of the last ice age.
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