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The Missing Science

The Missing Science02-02-2015 07:36
From what I have observed, there seems to be 2 main camps on the climate change issue; the Anthropogenic one and the Naturally Occurring Process.

But what I have found interesting from all that enter into the dynamics of this extremely serious issue, is that there so much focus on the EFFECTS of what is happening but very little on the CAUSE.

For example: if the CAUSE is anthropogenic, it is said to be caused humans. So therefore, shouldn't the research be squarely focused on 'what it is' about humans that have created this damaging EFFECT? What is wrong inside of US that we are doing that results in choices that creates destructive EFFECTS to our climate? The climate that differs us from all of the other planets. The climate that supports life. If we found out the truth......would we be willing to change????

There is a missing science not being applied to many arguments, which I will get to in a moment, and all sciences that are imputed into a problem need to be considered in order to remedy such a problem.

In consideration to the theory of the Natural Occurring Process change, which has been regarded to have sped up remarkably over the past one hundred years; the question is....."what else has changed in regards to how we live and conduct our lives over that same time period"?
In that time we have seen the end of the industrial age and the incoming of information and technology; both allowing us to do everything in a faster and more efficient way in regards to time and physical effort.

The problem with that is..........if we were already doing things incorrectly (in regards to the damage on the environment) but now had the means to do the very same things faster and easier, you would now observe a much more rapidly occurring destruction.
Which is what we are seeing.
While I would agree that change is a constant in the Universe, and from what I have observed, everything has a relative constant growth or decay period in its natural environment.....from a tree to a human. When something goes outside the parameters of what seems to be 'normal', there is either a positive or negative input that altered the natural occurring state of either growth or decay.
So with climate change (decay), what is it?

The two camps of theories for climate change of Anthropogenic and Naturally Occurring Process change are seemingly divided.
But in truth.......both are based on the same CAUSE.

This is where the missing science needs to be applied.
The science that I am talking about seems to have very little value at all to humans. It is not taught in any schooling system nor Universities. Nor is there any plans in the future for it to be. Not funded to find out more about it. Yet every human wants the effects it.
It is the very science that the Universe was created by and is the glue that holds all things together. Scientists often observe the core of it at the centre of the object or phenomenon that they study, but most never register it. Most of us feel we know all about it and are even experts in its field.

What I'm talking about is simple but vitally important in all systems, to operate as created and in harmony with all other systems.
It is LOVE.

It is something that we all crave and all want, all require and all need to grow, yet how do we even know what it really feels like when there is no solid and conclusive example of what love truly is compared to the façade of what is generally presented to us, and that we present to others? It is not a bartering system, which is the way the world currently sees it.

From my own personal observations, if it's Love, it will create harmony and peace for ALL. It will be sustainable. Love never demands or has expectations. It respects the free-will of others. Everyone benefits, not just one. Love is always giving and not wanting anything in return. It never demands sacrifice. Love will always contains the truth. Love is humble. It is repentant for the harm done to others, and comes to forgiveness of those that have harmed us. Love is patient kind and compassionate. It considers the love of others as well as itself. Love will always result in growth. These are a mere few of the qualities of love.

When you take LOVE out of any system, it will always end up degraded. Try it with any of your relationships, work, friends, parental, romantic, and see what the effect will be.
The same rule applies to the environment. When you take love out of the system, is will begin to get sick and degrade. It will become a dying system rather than a growing and healthy system, as we are seeing. Because we believe that we have 'free-will' and we can have what we want, that there will be no consequences, we 'take' what we want without considering the love of all , including the environment, in our action as if there is going to be no consequences. The laws surrounding Love are in operation constantly, just like physical laws; such as gravity. The laws of love will only support and reward loving actions. While also trying to let us see the results of our unloving (destructive) we are witnessing to seriousness of the damage on our environment....and for us to use our free-will in a loving(positive) direction to recorrect it in the direction of love for a positive result to our future.
Animals and plants, insects, micro-organisms, aquatic life are a vitally integral part of the living system that maintain all the life giving qualities, of this planet enabling the ability for us to survive on it. That very living system keeps us alive!
When we feel superior to that system due to our self-involved, selfish, arrogance and greed,(all of these qualities expose our lack of love rather than supporting its existence), we will exploit and manipulate the environment to get only what we want from all cost. We will even defend our "right" to take, and even kill to get what we want. This shows just how far away we are from love!

So how does this relate to the 2 camps in regards to climate change? I hope the penny is beginning to drop?

There is a lack of Love in the way we choose to live, which directly involves our environment.

And if our environment is having a supposed oversupply of C02 problem, and trees are designed by Love to absorb C02 and release oxygen so that we can inhabit this planet comfortably, the real question of climate change is "what have we been doing to have removed so many trees"?
The major cause of land clearing on this earth, and particularly in the Western World, is for MEAT PRODUCTION.

Livestock grazing covers 45% of the Earth surface area.

This is also the cause of the loss of environment, and many to extinction, of millions of animals and insects, who seem to be valued very lowly......a great lack of love by humans in this case. Yet these guys are the workers of the planet that are vital in a system to keep the planet healthy.

When the canopy is removed, the ground is now heated by being exposed to hot direct sunlight. There is a massive absorbsion of heat by the Earths crust rather than the cool surface area buffered by the pre-existing tree canopy. A living analogy to our current problem.....holes in the ozone layer and heating of the Earth's crust....we lose our cover and the ground will heat up.....cause and effect!
Recovery plants come up to try and cool the soil under stress to try and make an environment for the system to begin again, but is either eaten or trampled by cattle or poisoned, or many recovery plants are thorny and considered a pest to the grazier/rancher. Or more commonly, because there is not enough grass feed growing, so this calls for the planting of feed crops to feed the cattle, which could directly feed millions of humans more efficiently.
The dry, hot and arid land loses the ability to absorb the rain that falls on it. Rain that use to be buffered by tree canopy and organic matter on the ground, now hits the ground hard and eats away at the remaining ground. The water runs, instead of absorbs and cause damaging erosion and carries any remaining top soil away. Also taking tonnes of untreated effluent from cattle and into river systems. (Every minute, 7 million pounds/3175146kg of excrement are produced by cattle raised for human consumption in the US)
Also the greenhouse emissions from livestock and their by products account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emission. Whereas transportation in the form of fossil fuels for road, air, marine and rail is responsible for 13% of all greenhouse gas emissions.
Not only that, livestock is responsible for 65% of all emissions of nitrous oxide – a greenhouse gas 296x more destructive than carbon dioxide and which stays in the atmosphere for 150 years

Then we get to the Oceans, of which we truly know very little of the immense damage that we are doing by taking away the fish that are doing their job of keeping the water stable and clean. Oceans of which we 'take' and give nothing back except waste products. And the taking isn't now selective but wholesale. 100 million tons of fish are pulled from the ocean each year. (For every pound (.453kg) of fish caught, 5 times that amount of unintended catch is discarded as by-kill.)
There is now more waste flowing into the oceans with less fish to do their work of cleaning up. There is naturally going to be a damaging effect, from people desiring to eat these animals that were doing a job to keep the ocean healthy......once we are now seeing.

We can now see a damaged system, because Love is being removed from the system; a system that was designed (with a feeling of Love in its creation that supplies us with fresh oxygen and water that sustains plant food) all because of our own emotional damaged belief that we need to eat meat to survive.....which incidentally is not a truth. Millions have done the experiment and live a very, actually, a more healthy life.

A system that is designed to feed us, would be a love based system. If it is a love based system then it would have to also be a system that is sustainable too. Plants do this. Not only do they keep the ground cool by providing shelter for the creatures underneath them, that turn dead organic matter into nutrient rich soil, transpire water into the air, absorb latent Carbon Dioxide and emit oxygen, but also provide food for us to live off. And we can get enough for us to eat but not have to kill the tree/plant that provides for us, so it will continue to give. Not only that, the food that we eat contains seeds. One ear/cob of corn alone can become 200 more individual plants. This is the same with all plants/trees. They are a gift for us, from our creator, and a gift of love that is also sustainable to our planet and future existence for not only humans but also support all life.
It is a system that gives......not takes.

The question is........if this is the case, and there is countless reputable scientific evidence to back it up, and living, breathing evidence to attest to not requiring meat to survive......would a person give up eating meat and thus causing a ceasing of the need to supply it, which would allow our plants and animals to do their job unhindered that keeps us alive.
Is the love of the addiction to eat meat, greater than the love to our planet that we share with billions of others??????????

It all comes down to our current emotional condition of Love within us.
How do we even know what that is?
What does Love even look like in practice?
There seems to be no value of knowing this; that it is absent from all schooling curriculums........yet it is of paramount importance to any happy and joyful quality of life, and the basis for healthy growth of all things.
Having all the knowledge in the world wont make you happy if you've never learned how to recognise, and be able to give and receive love.

It's something that needs to be asked in all equations. But is often neglected.

The trouble is, we think many other things are love, when they aren't.

The world current views Love as a bartering system of emotions. eg. "If you give me this feeling that I want, I will supply you with one that you want from me". We are both happy and it feels like its love.

So the question still stands.

Why is there so seemingly little study into human emotions, (THE CAUSE) in particular ones about how we are getting love wrong, that are the cause of peoples choices. And the choices that we have been making have an EFFECT on the whole world that we share with others.

Are we willing to be so impartial to blinding evidence just because we have an emotional investment in our one choice to want to eat meat? (Here is a huge list of compiled facts done by a man called Kip Andersen who did an amazing amount of research for a film called Cowspiracy, but doesn't included the issue related to the Science of Love. If you truly are concerned about the degrading state of the Earth's system to survive and these facts or indeed the film doesn't shock you...check to see if your heart is actually working, that you are not in fact a cyborg.)

If we are true scientists at heart, we will always do the experiment to gather the facts.

So try the experiment (give up eating meat) and see what happens emotionally?

What fears come up?

What beliefs come up that are inside of you. said to be False Beliefs Appearing Real.

So to find the truth, you will need to 'emotionally' experience your fears about a subject which will remove the false beliefs appearing real and be able to see the truth.

This (deciding to not consume or use animal products for my need to sustain my own life) is something that I have personally done many years ago, mainly because I wanted to know the truth about love. It was no big deal to me really, I was never too attached to eating meat anyway, and only ate it because of social acceptance and acceptance of market and education health propaganda. I found that just because society does something en-mass, doesn't mean it's right. And I became aware of other people telling me things that I should be careful about giving up meat, were really just them expressing their own fears if they were to do it.
But the thing that made it a lot easier, was that I wanted to love better. As you become more emotionally open, the things that aren't of love become easier to see, and harder to participate in.
The bonus is that I eat better, it's far cheaper on the grocery bills, I have far more diverse flavoursome and interesting foods, I started caring about the creatures that support me and you and learning how to enhance their existence as well as my own, And if the Earth does go into a catastrophic state because people will continue to demand their meat over the survivable planet future of theirs and others lives, it will be far easier to deal with knowing how to be self-supportive with quick growing and sustainable plants and sprout, than having to chase an animal down and kill it, skin it, and gut it (which I may have to do with my hands and teeth although my jaw and teeth weren't designed for that) and get the small bit that I want, which I can only do once to that food supply.

No one died from giving up meat.........but the planet and the person just got a bit more healthier.

02-02-2015 13:54
Abraham3Profile picture★★☆☆☆

I hope you enjoyed writing that.
04-02-2015 02:45
Wow, quite a long post huh. You should have broken that down into smaller pieces for us to better understand your point. You know, there are no limits to your post here.
08-02-2015 15:50
Abraham3Profile picture★★☆☆☆
Global warming is not caused by carnivorousness and will not be solved by vegetarianism.

Global warming is not caused by a shortage of "love" nor will it be solved by any suggestion you might have (but failed to make) that would increase the supply.

Love has been studied extensively. You might start with Dr Buscaglia.
09-02-2015 17:45
How can we quantify love? Is there already a unit of measurement for that?

With regards to global warming, I believe there are quite a number of things
that needs to be ironed out if we are to certainly address the issue.
10-02-2015 14:17
Hi Greyviper,

Good questions!

I think the difficulty in discovering about what love is and what it looks like, is that we often seem to want an intellectual answer to something that is not intellectual, but emotional. It's not something that you will be able to dissect in a lab, or get a weight of, or bring up graphs or figures doesn't work like that.

You can't love a person from your intellect.
It is a whole different ball game than the intellect, or mind.

Love is a feeling. So essentially to know what it is, you would have to experience it emotionally.
But even that's tricky!
Cause we often have a 'good' feeling that feels like 'love', however it's simply a person getting what they want...which feels good, and not considering how it affect the other. In a sense it is just 'taking' and one of the qualities of love that I wrote in my post was, that 'Love gives'.
I'll leave that one there.....and I'll get off track, cause that is quite an involved issue.

But to help you with your questions, a way that you can measure love is via pain.
Whenever there is pain involved, there is some issue of laws of love being broken. Pain is our indicator that we need to stop and have a look at whatever the current issue is, and that it's out of harmony with the laws of love. And that we will need to re-correct it to bring it back into harmony to, have a more joyful outcome. If we still have pain, then we are yet to see and re-correct the issue of love involved.
In other words, when you go outside the laws of love, there will be a consequence, and it comes to us in the form of pain.

When I say the Laws of Love, Love does have Laws, just like everything is based of Laws.
In science, it is primarily a study of a set of laws that govern the given object of curiosity. There is first curiosity, then experiments and gauging outcomes. Eventually the discovery of a law is determined. The same can be done with Love.
And every law that has ever been made by who I will call God, has Love at its centre. Which suggests to me that God is a loving considerate and caring God.

For instance: The law of gravity is a loving law. If it wasn't in place, we would all float off into outer space and die. However, when we fall from a great height, (and the law is always active) we will hit the ground very hard and likely die. The laws are in operation 24/7. The laws will not bend or change for any circumstance. They are solid and reliable, constant, trustworthy,......unlike mans laws.
There is even a hierarchy of laws. There are lower laws, and higher laws.
For instance: The law of Gravity is able to be overcome by the law of Aerodynamics.
Love is the highest of all laws, because it is contained in all laws. It is the common denominator.
Material laws are inferior to spiritual laws, and spiritual laws are inferior to soul based laws. Soul based laws involve the condition of love within the soul. The soul is the real part of man.....not the physical body. (This is a fascinating subject worthy of more than a one liner....but not for now).

Climate change studies are all based around the lowest laws, yet those laws are still awesome and fascinating.

So to find out the Cause of the problem, logically (and by the way, Love is 'always' the most logical way) you would have to look at the issue of Love in humans.
Or really, the reason for the lack of love in humans that cause them to take actions 'that make me feel good' (as mentioned above), but are not considering love for others in these actions and believe that there will be no consequences.
Incidentally, it is evidence of the consequences is what science is presenting to us, not what is causing them.

You are right.
There are many issues that will be needed to be ironed out if we really want to address the issue of global warming. And if you want to determine the 'truth' about it, it will need to involve love in the equation......what has caused the lack of love. Because Truth and Love exist together. One doesn't not exist without the other.

It is going to take open minds though. Because the problem that we can't yet see, is the most dangerous one. What we already know, we are generally comfortable with.

And FEAR is one of the greatest barriers to Love. When we are afraid, our minds close down, our ears can't hear, our eye's don't see, and it inhibits our ability to absorb new information...among many things.
The flat out rejection of new information, often is because a person is afraid for many reasons. When people get afraid they often get attacking, to try and return the situation back to where their fear can feel comfortable and in control and often attack the information or the giver. Love is not present in a person in that moment in this example.
In fact all anger responses are a person who is actually afraid and refusing to take personal responsibility for their own fear that is happening inside of themselves. Using anger to control the situation for their own benefit.... the benefit being to avoid having to feel their own fear at all costs.
It's ok to feel angry, but it is way out of harmony with love by dumping on others, or destroying things that belong to others. In fact it is healthy to get the anger out, as it is always capping some deep sadness. If you can open up emotionally to the sadness and grieve that, then happiness returns.
This is a natural process that young children do with no hesitation. And young children are the best examples of love in demonstration that I could possibly offer you. They are great to learn from.

I will write another post sometime soon to explain more of this and the major cause of the global warming issue when I get a chance, with your suggestions to make it easier to read hopefully.

10-02-2015 17:01
Cornelius wrote:
Hi Greyviper,

Good questions!

I think the difficulty in discovering about what love is and what it looks like, is that we often seem to want an intellectual answer to something that is not intellectual, but emotional. It's not something that you will be able to dissect in a lab, or get a weight of, or bring up graphs or figures doesn't work like that.

You can't love a person from your intellect.
It is a whole different ball game than the intellect, or mind.

Love is a feeling. So essentially to know what it is, you would have to experience it emotionally.
But even that's tricky!
Cause we often have a 'good' feeling that feels like 'love', however it's simply a person getting what they want...which feels good, and not considering how it affect the other. In a sense it is just 'taking' and one of the qualities of love that I wrote in my post was, that 'Love gives'.
I'll leave that one there.....and I'll get off track, cause that is quite an involved issue.

But to help you with your questions, a way that you can measure love is via pain.
Whenever there is pain involved, there is some issue of laws of love being broken. Pain is our indicator that we need to stop and have a look at whatever the current issue is, and that it's out of harmony with the laws of love. And that we will need to re-correct it to bring it back into harmony to, have a more joyful outcome. If we still have pain, then we are yet to see and re-correct the issue of love involved.
In other words, when you go outside the laws of love, there will be a consequence, and it comes to us in the form of pain.

When I say the Laws of Love, Love does have Laws, just like everything is based of Laws.
In science, it is primarily a study of a set of laws that govern the given object of curiosity. There is first curiosity, then experiments and gauging outcomes. Eventually the discovery of a law is determined. The same can be done with Love.
And every law that has ever been made by who I will call God, has Love at its centre. Which suggests to me that God is a loving considerate and caring God.

For instance: The law of gravity is a loving law. If it wasn't in place, we would all float off into outer space and die. However, when we fall from a great height, (and the law is always active) we will hit the ground very hard and likely die. The laws are in operation 24/7. The laws will not bend or change for any circumstance. They are solid and reliable, constant, trustworthy,......unlike mans laws.
There is even a hierarchy of laws. There are lower laws, and higher laws.
For instance: The law of Gravity is able to be overcome by the law of Aerodynamics.
Love is the highest of all laws, because it is contained in all laws. It is the common denominator.
Material laws are inferior to spiritual laws, and spiritual laws are inferior to soul based laws. Soul based laws involve the condition of love within the soul. The soul is the real part of man.....not the physical body. (This is a fascinating subject worthy of more than a one liner....but not for now).

Climate change studies are all based around the lowest laws, yet those laws are still awesome and fascinating.

So to find out the Cause of the problem, logically (and by the way, Love is 'always' the most logical way) you would have to look at the issue of Love in humans.
Or really, the reason for the lack of love in humans that cause them to take actions 'that make me feel good' (as mentioned above), but are not considering love for others in these actions and believe that there will be no consequences.
Incidentally, it is evidence of the consequences is what science is presenting to us, not what is causing them.

You are right.
There are many issues that will be needed to be ironed out if we really want to address the issue of global warming. And if you want to determine the 'truth' about it, it will need to involve love in the equation......what has caused the lack of love. Because Truth and Love exist together. One doesn't not exist without the other.

It is going to take open minds though. Because the problem that we can't yet see, is the most dangerous one. What we already know, we are generally comfortable with.

And FEAR is one of the greatest barriers to Love. When we are afraid, our minds close down, our ears can't hear, our eye's don't see, and it inhibits our ability to absorb new information...among many things.
The flat out rejection of new information, often is because a person is afraid for many reasons. When people get afraid they often get attacking, to try and return the situation back to where their fear can feel comfortable and in control and often attack the information or the giver. Love is not present in a person in that moment in this example.
In fact all anger responses are a person who is actually afraid and refusing to take personal responsibility for their own fear that is happening inside of themselves. Using anger to control the situation for their own benefit.... the benefit being to avoid having to feel their own fear at all costs.
It's ok to feel angry, but it is way out of harmony with love by dumping on others, or destroying things that belong to others. In fact it is healthy to get the anger out, as it is always capping some deep sadness. If you can open up emotionally to the sadness and grieve that, then happiness returns.
This is a natural process that young children do with no hesitation. And young children are the best examples of love in demonstration that I could possibly offer you. They are great to learn from.

I will write another post sometime soon to explain more of this and the major cause of the global warming issue when I get a chance, with your suggestions to make it easier to read hopefully.



This is one of the most detailed explanations I have read so far. In a way, I could almost laugh at how you correlate laugh in solving current world issues like global warming, climate change...

...but yeah, you do have a point, we can't accomplish greater things if we lack love. I also believe that its the highest form of attitude and disposition that we humans could possess, though we can't get to there in an instant. There are things that needs to be reached first such as being to "understand" each other coz, you aren't going to be able to love if you can't understand and have discernment first.

Anyways, i chanced upon this website erissolver (dot) com. I found it unique because users can contribute in solving problems, sub-issues and the proposed solutions. I actually was able to communicate with the founder and he seems to have good plans and objectives. Talk about 'love' huh...hehehe.
I guess it's on season right now, knowing its February (so called love month).
Anyways, hope to hear more ideas from you in the coming days.

More power!
12-02-2015 06:17
Hey Greyviper,

I guess if you want to solve the Global warming/Climate change issue, it just seems like the logical way is to fix up the thing that's causing it.

If it's humans.......identify and fix up the issue in humans.

We are talking destructive actions for things that we want to have, and some are actually necessary for our survival. But if we are causing massive destruction, it seems that we have chosen the wrong choice and have not considered all options available for what it is that we are needing, and which is the most sustainable for the planet and us to live together.
Love would consider this......where all living species on the planet are loved.

If you fix up the love issue in humans, you will also fix up the environmental damage issue as a by-product. It becomes a win-win situation, both for the environment and humanity.

But you are right.
We can't get to a better condition of love in an instant.
One of the Laws of Love is that it is progressive. You will grow in it....or you can degrade too.....depending on how you use your free-will choices.
Free-will is an awesome Gift from God to us. We are free to make our own choices....of which we are then responsible for their outcomes. It teaches us personal responsibility.
The gift reminds me of a knife. It can be used to cut up fruit, herbs, vegetables, to make meals to aid in feeding thousands. Or it can be used to kill thousands.
It just depends one the feelings and intentions inside the user.

I don't know that it's really necessary to understand each other though, like you suggested.
It is important to understand yourself!
When you begin to discover your own emotional a natural consequence....... you begin to discover how things work, and it becomes very easy to identify the condition of others.
But there does need to be a lot of self reflection, desire to want to love better, and a desire to know the truth......even if it is hard to take at the time. As well as a desire to become more emotionally open.
So re-education is going needed.

A site called offers fantastic information that you would have never heard before on these issues and is not anywhere else on the internet or books, that may help you if you are interested.

Checked out that site you mentioned, looks kinda interesting.

12-02-2015 06:37
Hi Abraham3,

If you would like to back up your statement:
("Global warming is not caused by carnivorousness and will not be solved by vegetarianism")
......with some scientific evidence that is related to the environment, I'd be happy to listen. I didn't mention Vegetarianism. However while it is less impactful, you would need to exchange that for Veganism, in your evidence.

Isn't this the same advice that you give to others who simply make baseless statements......provide the evidence? I would have to agree with you on that point.

12-02-2015 13:26
Abraham3Profile picture★★☆☆☆
Do I need to provide evidence that global warming would not be stopped by everyone jumping in to the air at the same time? Do I need to provide evidence that global warming would not be stopped by keeping all our cats indoors? Do I need to provide evidence that global warming would be stopped if all passenger aircraft only flew east? No, no and no.

The claims I make: that human GHG emissions and deforestation are the primary causes of the warming we've experienced over the last 150 years, are supported by mountains of evidence and scientific studies.

YOU are the one with the extraordinary claim. Thus YOU are the one with a burden of providing evidence... extraordinary evidence. Thus far you've provided none.
13-02-2015 10:32
......ummmm, I counted 9 links to the sources of evidence that I was supplying in my post?
And that was just the beginning.
I have a whole bunch that I will put in another post if I ever get around to it.

And yes......they are quite extraordinary.

So if you are having trouble reading the post properly......and you still claim that gases and deforestation are the cause of global warming, and not quite understanding that they are simply EFFECTS of a deeper problem, and that to change a set of circumstances, you need to address the CAUSE (like what activity caused the gases to be there and what activity caused the trees to not be there anymore- and what is it that humans are doing to cause it)......and that you don't even want to follow your own advise to 'back up baseless claims with evidence' (hypocritically) but instead make childish comments because you don't have any evidence, and try to defer responsibility for your original opinion onto me..........then perhaps trying an experiment may be the way to go.

I take it that you are a meat eater by your difficulty with my post.

Try this experiment....if you want to find out what emotions and beliefs are within you, that drive you to eat meat.

Give up eating animal products for just one week and see what emotions that it will bring up in you. I'm not saying it will be an easy experiment, it wont. This includes, fish, eggs, and dairy products, as well as the common animal meats.

Then you will have some personal and deeper understanding of where the true cause lies within the stubborn unloving emotions in humans..... that demands the activity...... that is the major cause of deforestation, species extinction, the greatest source of all Carbon di-oxide and methane into the atmosphere from any other human activity.....that is damaging our protective ozone, and therefore rapidly increasing global temperatures, which sets off more chains of events of other systems in the planet going into decay...that sets of even more potentially catastrophic events.

That even if humans were open enough to absorb the evidence that the greatest cause of global warming is caused by the human desire to want to eat meat as a food source, and the effect of that practice in supplying it has on the planets resources, and the flow on effect of what happens when those resources have been removed........would humans still continue that way of living......even when other ways are available and far more sustainable for the planet?

Would you want to do the most loving thing for the planet?

If you baulk at the experiment.....notice what feelings beliefs and justifications that you come up with to avoid it.
Even write them down.
You might discover some interesting things that you never knew about yourself before.

Science can only go so far.

Good luck my friend.
13-02-2015 12:59
Abraham3Profile picture★★☆☆☆
A match and a child's curiosity may be the penultimate cause of a house fire, but those most in need are poorly served if you walk away from the burning house to look for curious children with matches.

Spend all the time and effort you want on your quest for love. Just do not stand in front of the people trying to save the world you claim to love.
Edited on 13-02-2015 13:01
17-02-2015 01:33
Cornelius wrote:
......ummmm, I counted 9 links to the sources of evidence that I was supplying in my post?
And that was just the beginning.
I have a whole bunch that I will put in another post if I ever get around to it.

And yes......they are quite extraordinary.

So if you are having trouble reading the post properly......and you still claim that gases and deforestation are the cause of global warming, and not quite understanding that they are simply EFFECTS of a deeper problem, and that to change a set of circumstances, you need to address the CAUSE (like what activity caused the gases to be there and what activity caused the trees to not be there anymore- and what is it that humans are doing to cause it)......and that you don't even want to follow your own advise to 'back up baseless claims with evidence' (hypocritically) but instead make childish comments because you don't have any evidence, and try to defer responsibility for your original opinion onto me..........then perhaps trying an experiment may be the way to go.

I take it that you are a meat eater by your difficulty with my post.

Try this experiment....if you want to find out what emotions and beliefs are within you, that drive you to eat meat.

Give up eating animal products for just one week and see what emotions that it will bring up in you. I'm not saying it will be an easy experiment, it wont. This includes, fish, eggs, and dairy products, as well as the common animal meats.

Then you will have some personal and deeper understanding of where the true cause lies within the stubborn unloving emotions in humans..... that demands the activity...... that is the major cause of deforestation, species extinction, the greatest source of all Carbon di-oxide and methane into the atmosphere from any other human activity.....that is damaging our protective ozone, and therefore rapidly increasing global temperatures, which sets off more chains of events of other systems in the planet going into decay...that sets of even more potentially catastrophic events.

That even if humans were open enough to absorb the evidence that the greatest cause of global warming is caused by the human desire to want to eat meat as a food source, and the effect of that practice in supplying it has on the planets resources, and the flow on effect of what happens when those resources have been removed........would humans still continue that way of living......even when other ways are available and far more sustainable for the planet?

Would you want to do the most loving thing for the planet?

If you baulk at the experiment.....notice what feelings beliefs and justifications that you come up with to avoid it.
Even write them down.
You might discover some interesting things that you never knew about yourself before.

Science can only go so far.

Good luck my friend.

You do have a point that humans desire to eat meat does contribute to global warming. However, it doesn't mean it is the only root cause. There could be quite a number of factors and root causes for global warming. If you guys have time try to check this website:
I believe you could throw in brilliant ideas for topics such as these. There is this unique mechanism that dissects and disassembles a problem into multiple sub-issues/sub-problems. I think we can form great solutions to the problems that our society faces nowadays by acquiring collective intelligences.
Coupled with latest advancements in technology such as big data and analytics, this would be of great advantage to us if we so desire to continue flourishing as a civilization.

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